Sunday, August 1, 2010

Weekend of W's

My weekend started after a long, full day of Work on Friday! I was exhausted, so I ordered Chinese takeout: sesame chicken, fried rice, & an egg roll of course! I fell asleep on the couch watching 27 Dresses & snuggling with Lucy.

Saturday I slept in & lounged around for a majority of the morning. Then, I decided I needed to be productive. "Clean blinds" was written on my To Do List because they are extremely dusty & need some attention. I got on the internet & it said to use White Vinegar. After dusting 9 of the 14 blinds in my house with Swiffer dusters, I started on the two in the kitchen wiping each slat with a paper towel with white vinegar. If you can't tell, this was a bit tedious, but it does work! Once I had completed the two blinds in the kitchen, my fingers were shriveled like I had been soaking in a bathtub for too long!! I decided it was time for a break for dinner & a trip to my favorite store, Target!! I needed more dusters to dust the other 5 blinds...I ran out because they are so filthy!! I dined at the #1 Mexican restaurant in Charleston (in my opinion), Senor Tequila!!

I found a few other things I needed at Targe besides the dusters :) I have been wanting some crossword puzzle books, which leads me to my next task, Working crossword puzzles. It is very fun & relaxing!

Today, I woke up & decided that “pull Weeds” needed to be checked off of my To Do List. I thought it would be cooler because it had rained this morning, but I still managed to sweat A LOT!! This task is hard work & never much fun, but the flower beds do look much better once it is completed!

I also Washed 5 loads of laundry, Wiped down the shower, Watched TV movies (Father of the Bride 2, No Reservations, & Something’s Gotta Give), and Walked Miss Lucy!!!! I would say this was a weekend full of W’s!!! I know it doesn’t sound very exciting, but it was a good weekend & I was able to stay busy which kept my mind off of missing Mike! I was also on call, so I needed to be available to go in to the hospital if something came up…just so you don’t think I’ve totally lost my mind (which you shouldn’t rule out)!!!

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