Friday, August 21, 2009

Turning Over a New Leaf

Well, I have finally decided to start a blog after following so many of my friends & linking to other interesting blogs! Mike & I have lots of new things going on, so I decided why not start now when our life seems exciting to me! Mike finished orientation this past week at the Charleston School of Law & began his first few days of classes. He is really enjoying it so far, and reading A LOT & taking lots of notes. The perks of starting back to school included getting a new Mac laptop & of course a free iTouch with that. I am jealous!!! He lets me play with his toys when I want to though, which is really nice!!! It is also my 26th birthday this weekend, which I am really excited about. I love birthdays! Andrew & Katie are coming to visit, and they are bringing their chocolate lab, Kenya. Lucy LOVES to play with Kenya!!! My mom & dad are also coming on Saturday to celebrate my birthday with me :) Well I hope all my friends who have been encouraging me to start a blog are happy & I hope to be able to continue updating you on our exciting life!!!